Check out the Brattle Theater’s “Trailer Smackdown” Wednesday

Last year I had a great time making a fake trailer for the Brattle Theater’s annual Trailer Smackdown summer event. This year, the theme is sequel’s, and I knew I had to enter it once again! So, obviously, I made the sequel to last years entry, Labor Day 2.

Be sure to come out to the Brattle Theater Wednesday evening for this great event, and see what we’ve all come up with for this years entry. The evening begins at 6:30pm with a BBQ, and doors to the theater will open at 7:30. Besides the contest, the programmers show some of their favorite trailers – ranging from hilariously awful to extremely good (The Shining trailer anyone?). It’s one of my favorite annual Brattle events.

If you haven’t seen my trailer from last year, here it is:

Hope to see you Wednesday night at the Brattle!

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Greetings from Gettysburg

The journey continues! We left Harrisburg early this morning and headed to Gettysburg to see what sort of viewpoints we could find there. The preservation of history in the city is quite amazing, the one sad thing about our time schedule is I can’t stick around too long to site-see and learn more.

Here’s a few quick snapshots from my iPhone of a statue of Lincoln in front of David Wills‘ home, where Lincoln put the finishing touches to what would become one of the most famous and most quoted speech’s by an American President, of course I’m talking about the Gettysburg Address. I thought stopping here would be quite poignant to our journey, and I’m glad we did!

Also some great news, a project called “Change in Command,” has featured our videos on their Vimeo channel, and on their website. Their asking “what the inauguration means to you,” a question we’ll also be asking once we get to D.C. check them out!

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Road Trip for Obama: Night Before

Setting the Alarm
I’m getting very antsy, I just set the alarm clock to wake me up ten of four, so I can pack the car up and head out on the first stretch of my road trip. There are a lot of firsts for me on this trip, first off, I’ve never taken 5 days straight off from work. Second, I’ve never attended the inauguration of a President before. Third, I’ve never shared the process of making a film through a blog!

What you see here at are essentially pieces of what I’m going to make into a feature length documentary of the entire experience. What is most exciting about this project is the fact that I really have no idea how it will turn out. All I know is I’ve been inspired by a historical moment, and I’m leaving tomorrow to become a part of it.

The best way to get the most recent updates to the site is to follow me on Twitter. I’ll be doing a live Ustream tomorrow evening (most likely around 8:30pm), check back for a more accurate time.

Good night all, and see you bright and early tomorrow!

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First Press on the Road Trip!

We got our first bit of press coverage for Road Trip for Obama today over at the Watertown Tab & Press. If you go to the  Wicked Local Watertown blog, staff writer Christine Laubenstein did a great write up on some of our goals and plans for the project! Check it out and let us know what you think.

We’ve got some other things in the works so keep checking back daily for new content!

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