Greetings from Gettysburg
The journey continues! We left Harrisburg early this morning and headed to Gettysburg to see what sort of viewpoints we could find there. The preservation of history in the city is quite amazing, the one sad thing about our time schedule is I can’t stick around too long to site-see and learn more.
Here’s a few quick snapshots from my iPhone of a statue of Lincoln in front of David Wills‘ home, where Lincoln put the finishing touches to what would become one of the most famous and most quoted speech’s by an American President, of course I’m talking about the Gettysburg Address. I thought stopping here would be quite poignant to our journey, and I’m glad we did!
Also some great news, a project called “Change in Command,” has featured our videos on their Vimeo channel, and on their website. Their asking “what the inauguration means to you,” a question we’ll also be asking once we get to D.C. check them out!
Posted in Road Trip for Obama and tagged barack obama, inauguration, Obama, president obama, Road Trip, vatche, vatche arabian