2011 Wrap-Up
So. 2011. How’d it go? I’d say I had a very successful year.
In 2011, I produced quite a bit of new work. Ranging from some shorts (‘I’m Sorry I Killed You,’ and ‘Friends I Haven’t Met‘), fun trailers and web videos (Labor Day 2 and Boy Shooting Nerf Gun), and Lonely Reviewer’s increased coverage of IFFBoston, it was a busy year!
So, what’s on tap for 2012?
I’m always looking to produce new projects, and collaborate with friends/colleagues on theirs. I’ve already got some things coming down the pipeline!
I hope to produce a few more shorts this year, and hopefully some that coincide with the themes I’m exploring in the projects I’ve done this past year. Shooting on DSLR is making these projects so much easier to produce, and increases production value 10 fold. With the addition of my own portable sound recorder to my kit in late 2011, things are only going to get better from here.
I appreciate you guys for checking out my blog, and my site! Happy New Year!
Posted in Corporate Video, Lonelyreviewer.com, Personal Projects