The LonelyReviewer Show is an Entertainment blog I’ve been running since 2008. Back then, I hosted a weekly video show with one of the other contributors to the site called “The LonelyReviewer Show.” I’m happy that after years of talking about it, we’ve finally brought the show back, this time in audio podcast form. I’ve been focused on posting regular quality content weekly, and the monthly audio show will be an added bonus.

Head on over to to check out the first episode of the show! We are waiting for iTunes approval of the show, but for the time being, you can listen and download the show right off the site.

Check out The LonelyReviewer Show Episode 1

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Latest Project Updates

‘Road Trip for Obama’ was a tremendous success, we got quite a bit of traffic and press on the project. All-in-all the project was exciting, and I’m glad that I did it!

Looking forward, I’m currently developing a two new web-based projects, one is a bit of a reimagining of an older project, the second is something entirely new. As always, I don’t want to give away too much. I will talk about the former though.

I’ve written the first 5 episodes of a new episodic weekly podcast. Inspired by my previous ‘Hello the Podcast,’ the new show will be released weekly, and deal with the day-by-day challenges of a twenty something. I really missed doing ‘Hello,’ and I definitely feel like I left it unfinished. But instead of returning to those characters, I think it is only natural to come up with all new people, and start from scratch! I always considered ‘Hello’ a very successful experiment, so this will be the culmination of everything learned on that project.

So, I’ll be working on the scripts for the next few weeks, and casting the new male lead. So if you’re interested, drop us a line via the feedback form!

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A Few Months Later

So, its been officially three months since I’ve been back in Boston, and its been a rollercoaster ride looking for some sort of normalcy. A little more then the first month I spent working 7 days a week, after that ended, I found myself participating in any social event I could. There are huge differences between here and New York, but, I’m definitely happier here now then I was before I moved to New York.

Moving to New York changed a lot, and I grew a lot as a person. I’m using a lot of what I learned here.

I’ve got myself busy with a lot of different projects. When I was in New York, I was working very long hours sometimes 7 days a week. The motivation I had before I moved was gone, now that I’m back, I’m looking for that motivation.

Like I’m always saying, I’ve got a ton of podcast ideas, one of them coincides with my new web project,, but more news on that as I develop the concept.

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