New Projects – March 2011
Just wanted to share that I’ll be shooting two brand new projects this weekend (first official short films since The Omelette). I’ll be shooting them on DSLR. I’ve been experimenting with it for a few months now, using it for work shoots as well as recently for a live band shoot. They really are great cameras, and allow you to shoot quickly and with discretion.
Both shorts are void of dialogue. I’m treating them both as a bit of an experiment. I’d like to post them for all to enjoy, however, many festivals require them to have no been made available online prior. So I may have to wait till after I’ve submitted to post online – I will however gladly offer more detailed information on them once they are complete. I’m trying to use this blog to outline my journey back into creating brand new original works.
In addition to film projects, working with my DSLR has inspired me to take up Photography as a hobby. I will be adding a “photoblog” section to my site soon to share some of what I’ve shot in the last few months.
Posted in New Untitled Project, Personal Projects