Winner of Brattle’s Trailer Smackdown 2010!
For this years Brattle Theatre’s Trailer Smackdown (their annual fake trailer competition), the film title was “Labor Day.” I decided to go full force with the Labor theme, and make it a story about a non-union “scab,” whose family has fallen victim to a corrupt union. With a quick intro-story, the trailer dives right into an ordinary man in extraordinary situations, with tons of gun shots and explosions.
The result was a ridiculous action trailer, starring my good friends Ben Swicker, Phil Healy, Brandin Tumeinski, Meredith Calvey, and my brother Razmig. Of course, I can’t fail to mention the stellar voice over work by Jim Jakala for the title and tagline (provided by Mr. Jeff Bartell) at the very end of the trailer.
I’d say the whole project probably took 40 hours from start to finish, including shooting, and Gregg Swiatlowski’s sound work. It was a lot of fun, and our work paid off because we won the contest!
Thank you to everyone who lended a hand in making the trailer, and congrats to all the other submissions! The Brattle’s trailer treats is their annual Summer party, and it is always a lot of fun to go to, and this was my first year participating and I’m glad there are opportunities like this
Posted in Personal Projects and tagged action trailer, boston, brattle, harvard square