June Project Updates
It’s hard to believe it is actually June up here in the Boston-area despite the Fall-like weather, but it is! So I thought’d I’d drop by with a little update. I’ve been focusing alot on some freelance projects outside my own for the past few months. While I enjoy doing some of these projects, it leaves me little time for my own!
It has been a few months since the ‘Road Trip for Obama’ project, and something I thought of back during that time is coming to fruition. Though, I cannot talk about it yet, expect a launch of this new project towards the end of the Summer.
I am still planning something with Hello Simon/Hello the Podcast, that could be much further down the road however. Back a few months ago, I’d written a few episodes for a new series similar to ‘Hello,’ but I’m not sure that is quite the direction I want to go in. There is always something in the works!
Posted in Personal Projects